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Foundation funding gives students perfect start

The connection between Dunhill and St Andrews continues long after the golf stops and the support the Alfred Dunhill Links Foundation (ADLF) provides to the University is vital in the expansion of its post-graduate research programme in particular.

In recent years the ADLF played a major role in the transformation of Martyrs Kirk – a previously disused church – into one of Europe’s finest postgraduate research libraries.

The support of the ADLF also provides essential financial aid to 10 postgraduate and one undergraduate student at the University, assisting with fees, living accommodation and maintenance to ensure that they can focus on their studies.

Jennie Portice, a Psychology postgraduate, said: “Not a day goes by without my thinking about how lucky I am to have this opportunity, that so many want, and so few get. This would not be possible without the financial support from the Alfred Dunhill Links Foundation.”